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Matthew Wright -Clay Artist

MFA Work
These are a few of the works that I made while at Texas Tech for my MFA in Ceramics. I was exploring the visual representation of experiences and persona; histories; how these directly affect current interpersonal relationships Utilizing a mechanical gear as a symbol of how people, as social beings, are not able to accomplish much without those around them working in unison move our individual and collective energies forward. As a culture, we are replacing prospering relationships with those that are rot with turmoil becoming inoperative, unbalanced, relationships;where far too often proximity is the topmost realization for our relationships.

Family Vacation

Family Garthering


Life with Twins

School Yard

Work Friends

Custody Battle

Divorced Parents

Three years together

Book Club



Road Trip

Over Protective Mother



Family Portrait

Levels of Deterioration

Erosion 7 of 9
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