Matthew Wright -Clay Artist

Inner Vs Outer
This series is on going. It explores the focuses on the narrative of the human experience within our current society. I look at relationships within the world around us. Sometimes the relationships are symbiotic, while others are parasitic. Looking to cause and effect, harmony or disconnection, the relationship with the outside world is the focus of the work. I utilize the vessel form to communicate the space within and a separation barrier between the various relationship concepts. The enclosed space of a vessel limits the viewer’s perspective, to draw them into a dialog relationship with the piece. The imagery used for the opening of my pieces not only creates limited access to the interior space, but also forms the initial statement in the conversation within the relationship with the viewer.

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series all on the wall together.

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series

Matthew Wright's inner vs outer series